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laundry essentials

Simple Tips to Organize Laundry Room for Every Household

Laundry has to be one of the least favourite chores for most people. This may have something to do with how you organize laundry room. Whether you have a dedicated room or a make-shift nook, if it isn’t organized properly, it can feel chaotic. Let alone a headache. Thankfully, we are sharing tips and practical storage solutions that will make this chore, dare we say, enjoyable.

organize laundry room

Simple Solutions to Organize Laundry Room

Invest in a quality storage basket

Storage baskets are very useful items that can be used for keeping toys, books and clothes. You can find in various sizes that can easily slip under a chair or on a shelf. Woven storage baskets can help you get rid of all the clutter in the room. These can hold games, books, cushions, and more.

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Invest in a well made one from leyjao.pk which is also foldable and can be hanged easily. You can keep these in the washroom or can even hang them beside the washing machine. This will make it easier when you have to do your laundry and will also serve as a reminder when clothes start to pile up.

Carve out space

Even if you don’t have a whole space dedicated to laundry, you can still organize a laundry room or space by creating a home for everything. One of the things that you must buy is plastic hangers. These are truly life-savers when you have piles of clothes to take care of.

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There are plenty of ways how these can be used. You can either have it near the iron stand where once the clothes are ironed, easily hang them one by one. This will save you all the time having to fold each item. Secondly, hooks or plastic hangers can be used for holding your towel, backpack etc. The possibilities are endless.

Minimize your wardrobe

One of the reasons why you are always overwhelmed with laundry is the amount of clutter sitting in your closet and dresser spaces. You can’t expect it to be an easy task when you have far too much laundry to work with. Many of us are guilty of having clothes in our closet that will never see the light of day.

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Start today by tossing or donating old clothes. Another useful tip that will help you ease the burden is to create a schedule throughout the week to wash different types of clothing. E.g. bed sheets on Mondays, whites on Saturdays, and towels on Wednesdays etc.

Divider for clean and dirty baskets

If you have space on the wall then organize the laundry room by getting racks or installs shelf brackets. This can help you remain more organized by keeping folded linens in neat stacks. Having one clean and dirty basket in the room is never enough.

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If you feel the need arises, you may also purchase more of these for storing other items, as we already mentioned earlier. Besides, when there is a separate basket for items, you will never complain of things getting lost in the laundry mix. Besides, these simple ways are super helpful to have everything sorted.

Streamline everything to organize laundry room

One of the most practical solutions to organize a laundry room is to have everything necessary in one place. There should be a stain removal kit, shoe care box and have them placed next to each other so they are easy to reach. Another useful tip is to store all the powder detergent in a jar or a glass container. This makes it easier to see when you are running low.

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The weekend is upon us which means endless loads of laundry.  However, we hope you have mastered how to organize laundry room with these practical tips.

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