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Back to School Safety Tips During a Pandemic

The spread of Covid – 19 may have slowed down but it is far from over yet. Back to school safety tips is just what we need. As a parent, one of the greatest challenges you are faced with right now is how to send your kids back to school safely. Here are steps that parents can ensure during this pandemic.

back to school safety tips

Back to School Safety Tips during a Pandemic

Reinforce everyday precautions

As kids are going back to school, parents must remain vigilant when it comes to following SOPs. It has been a year since we are living with this virus so children know all the basics but it helps to remind them every now and then. Besides when they are outside, kids tend to stand close to their friends or take their mask off. This is definitely a struggle that needs to be implemented both by parents and the school administration.

  • Social Distancing

Classrooms should be organized in a way that there isn’t close contact between pupils. Activities must be planned in open grounds or corridors that are properly ventilated. Another way to reduce close contact between students is by calling 50% on a certain day and the remaining students can be called on the day after. Parents should also ensure back to school safety tips by reminding their kids not to share food, drinks, or anything, for that matter, with their friends. It’s just not safe.

  • Wearing a mask

We all realize the importance of wearing a mask and perhaps the only way to stay safe. At a time when social distancing is challenging, wearing a mask is the only way to contain any potentially infectious respiratory droplets that may be released while breathing, talking or coughing.

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  • Sanitize hands

Every child must carry a hand sanitiser with them to school. Although washing hands is the best option if the child makes contact with a contaminated surface and can’t wash hands immediately, they must use a sanitiser before touching the eyes or face.

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Follow up on the back to school safety tips

As schools are reopening precautions are being taken. However, the level of risk can’t be completely eliminated. In this case, it is upon the parents to make sure that the school is adhering to the recommendations set forth by public health officials. As parents here is what you should be asking from the concerned authorities:

  • What changes have been made to classrooms, hallways, cafeterias and buses to ensure social distancing?
  • Will there be a universal masking policy for all students (if age appropriate) and staff?
  • Will hand-washing opportunities are frequent and hand sanitiser readily available?
  • Is the use of shared equipment being minimized?
  • Have cleaning services been increased and how often will high-touch surfaces be disinfected?
  • Are students and staff who feel sick required to stay at home?
  • What is the plan if someone at the school tests positive for COVID-19?
  • How are you monitoring changes in community spread?
  • What are you doing about sports and other activities?

Talk to your child

Children have been away from school for over a year and getting back to the school routine may excite some and may be difficult for others. Parents can make this preparation interesting for the kids by shopping for bags, stationery from leyjao.pk Kids are going to enjoy it and will look forward to getting back to school.

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Children may also have a hard time keeping the mask on all day. Schools can arrange regular breaks of 15 minutes where the children are taken to the playground. Here they can take off their masks.

We all understand the importance of classroom learning and the need for kids to socialize. These easy back to school safety tips can help ensure that your child remains safe during these testing times.

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