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dry lips

Tips to Take Care of Dry Chapped Lips at Home

Dry chapped lips are a common problem faced by many. It is also very uncomfortable but simple remedies can help you combat dry lips. We are here to share nourishing ingredients that can provide instant relief.

What causes dry chapped lips?

In order to fix the problem, you must know the underlying cause. The skin on the lips is much delicate and thinner than the rest of the face. Moreover, the skin on the lips doesn’t produce oil naturally so it can’t stay moisturized. Keeping a check on the following factors can help you take care of dry, chapped lips.

  • Weather

Most people complain of dry lips during the winter season. When the temperature drops, dry air sucks all the moisture from the skin. People with dry skin types have to take extra steps to ensure their skin stays moisturized.

  • Water intake

We have heard this many times, you are what you eat! We would also like to add… what you drink! Our entire body organs need water to function smoothly. Water is what gets rid of all the bad toxins from the body and keeps the skin supple, and hydrated.  If you are experiencing dry chapped lips, increase your water intake.

  • Sun Exposure

Prolonged exposure to the sun is likely to cause early signs of ageing. Chapped lips are also one of the aftermaths of spending too much time under the sun without sunblock. Make sure to wear sunscreen with SPF at least 30 before going out.

How to heal dry chapped lips naturally

Use a good lip balm regularly

There are plenty of popular brands in the market but all of them aren’t going to serve the purpose. Steer clear of lips balms that contain menthol or mint flavours. Although it has a cooling effect, mint is drying by nature. At the same time, scented ones are also likely to dry out the lips.

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Tips to Take Care of Dry Chapped Lips at Home

Try natural oils

Moisturize chapped lips with honey, aloe vera, coconut oil or green tea. You can apply the aforementioned directly to the lips for an instant soothing effect.

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Tips to Take Care of Dry Chapped Lips at Home


Just as you exfoliate your face once every week, make it a habit to exfoliate the lips as it will help to get rid of the dry layer of skin and help combat dry chapped lips. There are products in the market that can be beneficial but if you are looking for a cheap, home remedy then use sugar or baking soda gently to exfoliate the dry skin.

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Tips to Take Care of Dry Chapped Lips at Home

Use a humidifier

Dry air in winters can take all the moisture leaving the skin flaky. Keeping yourself hydrated is imperative, people may also consider getting a humidifier during winters to restore much-needed moisture back in the air.

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Tips to Take Care of Dry Chapped Lips at Home


This article is in no way suggesting that you shouldn’t seek medical attention if you have a severe problem at hand. Some people may have a medical condition that should be discussed with a medical practitioner.

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